As we have now spoken at sufficient length of the several
varieties of grain and soil, we shall proceed to treat of the
methods adopted in tilling the ground, taking care, in the very
first place, to make mention of the peculiar facilities enjoyed
by Egypt in this respect. In that country, performing the
duties of the husbandman, the Nile begins to overflow, as
already stated,[1] immediately after the summer solstice or the
new moon, gradually at first, but afterwards with increased
impetuosity, as long as the sun remains in the sign of Leo,
When the sun has passed into Virgo, the impetuosity of the
overflow begins to slacken, and when he has entered Libra the
river subsides. Should it not have exceeded twelve cubits in
its overflow, famine is the sure result; and this is equally the
case if it should chance to exceed sixteen; for the higher it
has risen, the more slowly it subsides, and, of course, the seedtime
is impeded in proportion. It was formerly a very general
belief that immediately upon the subsiding of the waters the
Egyptians were in the habit of driving herds of swine over
the ground, for the purpose of treading the seed into the moist
soil—and it is my own impression that this was done in ancient
times. At the present day even, the operation is not attended
with much greater labour. It is well known, however, that
the seed is first laid upon the slime that has been left by the
river on its subsidence, and then ploughed in; this being done
at the beginning of November. After this is done, a few persons are
employed in stubbing, an operation known there as
"botanismos." The rest of the labourers, however, have no
occasion to visit the land again till a little before the calends
of April,[2] and then it is with the reaping-hook. The harvest
is completed in the month of May. The stem is never so
much as a cubit in length, as there is a stratum of sand beneath the slime, from which last alone the grain receives its
support. The best wheat of all is that of the region of
Thebais, Egypt[3] being of a marshy character.
The method adopted at Seleucia in Babylonia is very similar
to this, but the fertility there is still greater, owing to the
overflow of the Euphrates and Tigris,[4] the degree of
irrigation being artificially modified in those parts. In Syria, too,
the furrows are made extremely light, while in many parts of
Italy, again, it takes as many as eight oxen to pant and blow
at a single plough. All the operations of agriculture, but this
in particular, should be regulated by the oracular precept—
"Remember that every locality has its own tendencies."